About me

I'm Dario Djuric, and I'm a software engineer born and living in Zagreb, Croatia. I love to write, and this blog is a place where love to share all the things I learn.
I have over 15 years of experience working in different areas of IT. After finishing college, I started to work as a network engineer, then shortly worked as an SAP consultant, after which I returned to my passion from my high school days, which is software development.
Since then, I've worked mostly in the service/consulting space in the enterprise, and I've led teams, small and large. Currently, I work at This Dot Labs, specializing in JavaScript and TypeScript on both the frontend and the backend.
Outside of work, most of my time is spent with my wife and our two boys, and every once in a while I manage to squeeze in a bit of time for my hobbies: sports (soccer, swimming, jogging), guitar playing, or PC gaming.